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Why am I still here?
Why do I post comments when it seems obvious that no one wants reason? What are the people who run adequacy trying to accomplish? [editor's note, by jsm] There are no sacred cows here at adequacy.org, not even adequacy.org itself. I commissioned this article in response to a number of complaints that we had been too hard on Christianity, while giving the Wiccans a free ride. Not all of the editors at adequacy.org agree with all the points made below (I personally think they're crap). But it is a valid (if controversial) point of view, and thus is entirely appropriate for adequacy.org Update [2001-7-20 4:11:5 by jsm]: Obviously, a certain amount of light editing was required, which in no way could be called "censorship". I removed two potentially libellous accusations, provided context on a few points, and removed references to "trolling", a practice which, it is made clear at numerous points on the site, is not tolerated on adequacy.org |
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The controversy here is so thick that it's hard to move. I'll continue to believe that the vast majority of the content here in both stories and comments is nothing but devil's advocacy, because it helps me sleep better at night. The alternative, that those who post strongly agree with what they're writing, is far too horrifying to imagine. The posts are filled with ignorance, hypocricy, and completely false arguements that are occasionally wrapped around perhaps the smallest grains of truth. Yet, I think I've seen more comments agreeing than disagreeing.
Is it censorship? Is everyone too apathetic to post disagreeing? Do people not want to beat the stick of reason against a wall of false arguement? Why do ideas like "Day Care casuses Communism" go virtually unopposed other than noise from people who happen to dislike Christianity? Can no one be bothered to argue within the bounds of someone's beliefs? It troubles me, somewhat deeply, to see the obviously intelligent minds that write the articles for adequacy to be using their writing skills to write up completely irrational arguements in such a way that they seem somewhat legitimate. I understand the Kuro5hin is something of a facist regime that would never let anything more than mildly thought provoking get posted as shown by the fact that qpt [editor's note, by jsm](an unpopular member of the popular, but not very controversial discussion site kuro5hin) consistently was voted down, because the users didn't get it. I understand that stories only go up there, because the majority of the users agree with the ideas being expressed making it a less than perfect breeding ground for discussion. Is this really the answer though? If you want to provide a place for opinons that are less than conventional, ideas that might not be accepted elsewhere, more power to you, but isn't it coutner-productive to post stories that are obviously inflammatory and serve no purpose other than to rile people up? [editor's note, by bc](Just riling people up is not the aim of adequacy.org. We strive to provide an arena of debate, not emotion) What's worse, you're probably tricking a few people into believing that your arguements are valid and infusing them with grossly misguided opinions (AIDS is a Hoax, for example) [editor's note, by jsm](this is not necessarily a misguided opinion, as Steve Richards made clear). Some people are gullible, you know. I think the greatest slap on the face to humanity on this site is the way that the authors seem to portray Christianity. I personally am an athiest. I don't have a problem with Christianity, and I derive a great deal of my morality from it and believe the Bible has some wonderful views on how people should live their lives mixed in with a little bit of history. In fact, many of the nicest most sane people I know are not only Christians, but also ministers or training to be such. I feel confident in saying that they would be insulted and angered by the way many articles posted here use Christianity. In case some of you missed the New Testament, Jesus is supposed to be a Christian role-model. He was God. He was perfection. He is what we all, theoretically, should aspire to be like. I'm not entirely sure where some of the authors here got the idea that it would be a good idea to use his words in hate and anger. [editor's note, by jsm] (perhaps from 90% of all Christians who have ever lived) Christianity, at it's core, is about forgiveness.
I think Jesus would be mortified at the concept of evangelical preaching as well. It's about condemning. "Join us or you'll go to hell!" Jesus led by example. He condemned no one. The harlot, the leper, or the samaritan were all condemned by the religous leaders of the time. Jesus offered them the hand of forgiveness and love. It's the old "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar" bit. There are many misguided people in our world who are simply looking for someone to care about them in a world full of hate-mongers who are quicker to point a finger in blame than to give support to those who so desperately need it. Think about lending them the helping hand they need before you write your beautiful article about how some harmless entity is really the source of evil in the world. The only real source of evil is the hate that you seem to support. [editor's note, by bc](Although we consider this last statement to be libelous, we have posted it anyway for we at adequacy.org are firm believers in free speech, as long as the ideas expressed are genuinely believed by the writer) |
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