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Sure, some may argue that terrorism is a natural response to bloated military überpowers, but this position is political suicide. Thus, George W. Jr. has promised to rid the world of terrorism. And he needs your help! So here's my guide to joining Mr. Bush in his posturing, preaching and ethnic cleansing. Let's begin!
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1. Kill an Arab - In Arizona, Francisco Roque shot and killed Balbir Sodhi, while he was landscaping outside his business. Do not trust "innocent" immigrants! Sure, Sodhi, being from India, was neither Arab nor Muslim, but who cares? He certainly wasn't a REAL American, like our man Francisco.
2. Sing "God Bless America" - Whether you're a corporate-sponsored legislator or a Wall Street hoarder, nothing proves your dedication to your nation like singing a song. True, it was the abuses of these two groups that prompted the terrorist attacks in the first place, but so what? They must be innocent. They sang! 3. Watch video replays of the inferno on CNN - Surprisingly, the variety of angles from which you have repeatedly seen two airliners plow into the ex-towers of the World Trade Center do not increase your knowledge one iota. This is not information, but entertainment. Similarly, photos of people leaping to their death are useful only as unit-shifters. So grab some popcorn, set the VCR on extended play, press record and enjoy! 4. Ruin someone's life - In these scandal-soaked times, it's good to see that CNN has not forgotten the power of libel. CNN reported that Adnan Bukhari and his brother Ameer were two of the pilots who crashed into the former World Trade Center. While their investigative techniques were above reproach, the truth of these accusations is doubtful. Adnan is still living in Florida, and his brother died last year in an unrelated plane crash. Kudos Ted Turner! 5. Purchase a piece of official World Trade Center ShrapnelTM - Sorry to say, eBay has already pulled the plug on auctions of pieces of the WTC. Don't worry, though, you're in luck! Simply send me $3,000 and I'll mail you a piece of concrete that could very well have come from a building much like the WTC.(1) 6. Fly the American flag - The House of Representatives recently passed a bill urging all Americans to fly the stars and stripes at home. You can even download a free flag screensaver! Fun fact: in recent years, the phrase "flag-waving" has become a synonym for pointless actions masquerading as legitimate ones. I wonder why... 7. Label all who oppose you - Look, it's simple: If you believe in killing American civilians, you are a radical terrorist. If you believe in killing Middle Eastern civilians, you are defending freedom. Similarly, if you sacrifice yourself in a battle against a much larger foe, you are a coward, while if you hunt out pockets of lightly-armed militias with the world's most heavily-funded military, you are a brave leader. Understand? 8. Give an interview - National leaders, eyewitnesses, experts and incidentals have been furiously speaking to cameras throughout the rescue effort. While some might say this accomplishes nothing, others would agree. Of course, this will provide a wealth of footage for campaign commercials in years to come. Joy! 9. Join the Army - Unfortunately for the newly-shorn, a campaign against the military might of Afghanistan is likely to be short lived. Your humiliation, hazing, and reconstruction (read: boot camp) will take far longer than the few weeks of carpet-bombing we have planned. Do not despair! We will no doubt be targeting another defenseless country of non-white people in the near future. Hurrah! 10. Make some money - Take a mediocre song. Re-release it, but this time sample some timely news clips and run them during the bridge. Don't worry that the song was originally a love ballad, and that the sampled clips are obviously tacked on. Label the single "A Heroic Salute: <song name> WTC Remix 2001" and watch the cash roll in! 11. Participate in a post-attack poll - Surprisingly, 97% of Americans polled had participated in a poll following the terrorist attack in NYC.(2) 39% reacted angrily towards the poll, 28% were sad, and 19% asked me to repeat the question. An additional 14% were unsure, while a further 5% were extraneous. 12. Kill an Afghan - While this may seem the same as killing an Arab (see #1) it's not. An Arab is a member of any Arabic-speaking people, include countries such as Jordan, Syria and Malta. An Afghan, on the other hand, is a citizen of Afghanistan. Perhaps they don't speak Arabic at all! For bonus points, try wrapping an Afghan in an afghan and beating him to death with the frozen corpse of an Afghan hound.(3) There you are! Now is the time to step up, be counted, and get behind America's effort to rid the world of terrorism (or at the very least, afghans). After purging the world's terrorism, George W. has sworn to eliminate crime, traffic, and night worries. Have no fear, Georgie, no one would dare call you a wimp after this! We're behind you 100%!(4) (1) Shipping and handling not included. (2) Margin of error ± 3% (3) I do not endorse the freezing of canines. (4) Margin of error ± 99.9% |
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