Potential contributory value and/or input from those affected, or guaranteed eye-candy?
Keep in mind, too, the inverse relationship between the number of bonafide contributing parties present and the likelihood of success with regard to getting what you wanted out of the meeting in the first place. And, finally, the odds are that if you limit attendance to include only the "important people", the almost inescapable result will be more meetings and more hours of your life that you'll never get back, sacrificed at the altar of productivity, providing little of value to satisfy your soul.
All things considered, did you ever have any real choice in the matter?
Is it harrassment? No -- you're simply admiring a person who adds beauty to your day. Is it possible insurance against death-bed regrets? Maybe. Will it give you an opportunity to archive material for enjoyment in your own private fantasy life? Almost certainly. Bonus points to you, however, if you actually respect the ornament enough to invite them to attend at their own choice/discretion -- requiring their attendance would only be crass.