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I've finally put my finger on it. Be warned -- if you are considering marriage, you need to read this.
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Sometimes, people refer to the "freedom" of unmarried life. This is often mistaken as the freedom to have impulsive, unattached sexual escapades. In fact, most of us know that such behavior is irresponsible and dangerous.
More practically, unmarried frequent sexual freedom is generally unachievable for most people. It really only exists in television and adult movies. In fact, the sexual freedom of singledom is mostly the freedom to spend evenings calling 1-900 numbers, watching porn, and coming up with clever new nicknames for adult chat rooms ("Hello, Welhung Johnson"). Really, post-nuptial sexual freedom is a pretty minimal issue. The real freedom lost is a much larger and more serious concern. It is the freedom to get through a day without having to debate, discuss, and defend every damn little decision you make. I am quite serious about this. Unmarried people cannot possibly imagine what it is like. Consider a typical unmarried person's day: On the way home from work, he/she decides to stop off at the grocery store and pick up something to eat. Perhaps instead of the grocery store, the unmarried person decides to stop in at a restaraunt and spend a few bucks for a convenient, tasty, prepared meal. Either way, the decision is made quickly and with no accountability to anyone else. This is simply not possible for a married person. A married person making the same decision must call the spouse, ask if he/she needs anything from the store, wait for a list, answer the question what time he/she will be home, listen to any complaints or problems that popped up during the day, etc. And woe to the married person who doesn't call first. Decide to blow off the grocery store and just grab a burger and there will be hell to pay -- "Why didn't you ask if I wanted to go? Why didn't you tell me you would be late?" Realize this: Once you get married, you will never be able to make a decision for yourself without explaining it and/or defending it. Anything you do can and will be called into question. You are now 100% accountable to somebody else for your every thought and action. And it's not just evening meal choices -- oh no. Your weekend plans, the television channels you watch, even your friends are now all fair game. You will have to defend personal choices that you never imagined would be questioned. You will have to defend personal choices that are, frankly, nobody else's damn business. And you had better defend your choices well or they will be changed to your spouse's choices. I'm not advising against marriage. I am simply providing the information I wish someone had given me. No matter how happy the marriage appears, there will always be a battle of wills raging beneath the surface. To the married people reading this: I'm sorry to shatter the illusion. To the unmarried people reading this: You have been warned. |
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