> Unfortunately, one thing we don't accept here
> is simply attacking someone for their beliefs.
> Your post is not constructive to the
> conversation here.
Oh, I see. So let me get this straight: I'm the one whose posting was unacceptable, because I expressed outrage at the white supremacist's post.
> you don't really provide [...] an alternative
> point of view
If anyone reading this truly needs to hear an alternative point of view, in order to see why such bias is wrong, that is actually sad.
It seems easy enough to understand that racism is inhuman, unjust and cruel. After the struggles our country -- indeed, the world -- has gone through on this issue, a lot more people finally see the light. To hate, mock or mistreat someone based on their race is hurtful, serves no useful purpose, and is morally wrong.
Can I prove this, back it up with facts? No. Racial hate is simply wrong. Those who have a conscience and a caring heart will be outraged by it; while cold-hearted people, without a love for their fellow-man, will argue the point endlessly.
Elby, I can understand why you are choosing not to censor. Attacking someone for their "beliefs" can be a bad thing, however racism is not a religious or political belief. It is an expression of hate for a part of mankind, and thus it affects us all. It seems obvious why I would react to it with denunciation. Racism has hurt many people, and so many vast injustices and atrocities have happened because of it. So it's not simply a political preference -- it's actually an expression of intent to exclude, of intent to injure, to defame or to otherwise harm those of the affected race(s). Especially when the poster is promoting a video game which glorifies race-based murder. In my opinion, a measure of outrage is in order.
As far as having "anything else to discuss", how about this: Let's discuss just how far (any of) you who hold racist viewpoints would like to go with your beliefs. Would you segregate neighborhoods, as Aryan King has suggested? Would you execute your targetted race(s), as A.K. has also hinted? Would you like to make slaves of them, sell them, gas them?
Let's hear about where you draw the line. Is it enough to just call them "dirty jews", or other such racial epithets? Or would you go beyond that and back up your words with injurious actions?
Elby, I hope this post is more in line with your requirements for stating my viewpoint clearly, and promoting ideas for further conversation.
-- Uncanny Vortex