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When a simpleton thinks of The Boy Scouts, they think of fresh air, young boys, and marshmallows. They think of the teeming thousands of young boys each and every weekend, that pack off into the woods to experience an early titillating taste of manhood, to experience Nature the way God intended.
I however do not think of these things, I think of the coming wave or terror. No, not one from the other side of the world, hatched in a mountain lair, or from a shack in Wisconsin, but the one brewing in our National Parks, gullies, streams, brooks, tributaries; the one festering in the Boy Scouts of America itself. |
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First, lets look at the facts. The Boy Scouts of America share many similarities with terrorist organizations. The Boy Scouts are modeled after the military, adopting the rigid hierarchal structure, badge awarding system for excellence, and the uniform policies of every military unit around the world. It cannot be denied that they are militaristic in nature. Politically the Boy Scouts of America share the same values as the Taliban. They are rabidly anti-homosexual, and misogynist. In recent years the Boy Scouts have spent considerable effort purging their ranks of homosexuals, and refusing female members; reminding the "inferior sex" of their place in Girl Guides, and their role as food support and sexual health healers.
There is no doubt that the Scouts are basically a paramilitary group, much like the Young Taliban, or Nazi Youth, and could be called upon to perform a number of devastating military maneuvers. We are therefore at a crossroads. We must ask, "who will inevitably control this potentially deadly group?" If the Scouts formed into a terrorist organization, American laws, written by bleeding heart liberal-arts majors, would no doubt protect them with weak young offender laws. For example, a dynamite assault on Mount Rushmore, by a small team of Terror Scouts, would surely only net small juvenile sentences, allowing the children to return home to plot the next assault on American values and statues. With all of this in mind, the threat is very real, and a critical decision must be made. The choice is either to dismantle the Boy Scouts, by seizing their bank accounts and massive landholdings, vital for training and supporting a terrorist organization. Or to do a Machiavellian about face, and incorporate the Boy Scouts into the fledging TIPS program.
Small changes to the Scouts is all that is required to convert it into a fierce and lethal weapon against Terror.
I think the answer is obvious, we must seize this great opportunity, before the current Boy Scouts of America, full of discontented young men, prone to the advances of Islam and Anti-American rhetoric, become full blown terrorists, and inevitably doom us all. |
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