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For too long Americans have witnessed a dramatic rise in the rates of teen pregnancy. Our welfare system has been stressed to the limits by a plague of single mothers and the basic institutions of the family have been eroded. Our government institutions have done little to address this problem and we concerned citizens have been left wringing our hands. Until now that is. According to a recent article in the Washington Times, a Maryland High School is about to implement a bold, brilliant and breathtakingly simple plan that is sure to reduce teen pregnancy. [editor's note, by osm] Spelling checker |
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It's a simple undeniable fact that the number of people on this planet has more than quadrupled in the past 100 years. It is equally undeniable that the last 100 years have seen the advent and widespread adoption of communications technologies that have brought filth and perversion into the living rooms of families around the globe. Clearly the two trends are related. By advocating lifestyles of promiscuity, television and radio have encouraged millions of otherwise decent and godfearing people to deny their natural impulses and engage in sexual acts. This not only weakens the familial bond, but it also stresses the earth's precious resources to the point where our planet cannot currently support all of its inhabitants in the comfortable two parent, two car lifestyle that God desires for all his children. Clearly, something must be done. That's why it's so exciting to see Maryland's Frederick County school district implementing a program to counteract these subversive media influences. The plan is simplicity itself, all students enrolled in health classes (a required course) will be asked to sign a sexual abstinence pledge. In addition, a pro-abstinence curriculum will be taught. Finally, our nation's children will learn the truth about sex. You don't have to look very far to see exactly how deluded Americans have become in their attitudes towards sex; a simple glance at the magazine rack at your local grocer's will suffice. You will see many magazines targeted towards women advertising helpful tips to help in acheiving orgasm. It's a simple fact that if young women believe they will have some sort of "orgasm" during intercourse, they will be more likely to engage in sexual activity. It is also a simple fact that the so-called "female orgasm" is a myth. I can assure all my readers that I have yet to observe a woman appear to enjoy sex. No matter what you may read in these magazines or see on television, a good woman merely endures sex out of a duty to her husband. Hopefully the enlightened educators in Maryland will manage to convey this to their students. Is it any wonder that students in this country are expirimenting with sex at early ages considering what they read, see and hear in the media? Is there any doubt that when they are told the harsh depressing truth about sex, they will choose to remain abstinent until marriage? The Frederick, Maryland school board should be congratulated on this innovative and brilliant proposal. My only complaint is that it does not go far enough. I suggest making chess club membership mandatory for all high school students as well as providing them with extensive collections of Star Trek (the original series) memorabilia. These are the tools I used to maintain my chastity in high school and I have no doubt that they will put an end to our present epidemics of deviant behaviour and bastardy. |
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