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In a recent issue of the Village Voice, in an article entitled "Lesbian Mothers Making Men", Peggy Drexler examines the controversial cultural phenomenon of lesbian couples raising boys. Drexler clearly approves of such child rearing and ultimately explodes the myth that boys raised by lesbians must inevitably grow up to be gay themselves, and yet her conclusion is rooted in neither empirical study nor normative argument.
What follows is a persuasive argument for why and how boys raised by lesbians are indeed less likely to become homosexual themselves. |
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The origins of homosexual desire are a subject of great political and academic dispute. Yet, it would hardly be productive to begin with arguments about whether sexuality is innate and unchanging from birth or the product of ongoing complex social phenomena, because only an imbecile would adopt the former position in preference to the latter.
Since environmental factors are the predominant if not the only cause of homosexuality, there emerges an inescapable conclusion: growing up with heterosexual parents sets a bad example for boys, because they are exposed first hand to the supposed normalcy of their mother's relationship with their father, encouraging them to consider sexual relationships of their own with men. Far better to have lesbian parents, where the pervasiveness of female sexuality leaves little or no room for developing sexual attraction to men. Boys raised by male fathers are placed in a sexually ambiguous position. Though the clinical literature often focuses on the so-called Oedipal complex wherein the young boy desires to kill his father and displace him as the mother's sexual mate, this theoretical framework downplays the boy's inclinations to sexually idolize his father as his mother's sexual champion. Through this sexual idolization, the boy might develop an unhealthy attachment to that figure, which, however sublimated, makes a poor and even dangerous substitute for a healthy sexual relationship with women. As far as it concerns lesbian parents, there is little room for an Oedipal complex to take root. Whom would the violence be directed at? Neither parent poses a male rival, and both are equally sexually receptive. Indeed, the optimal subconscious strategy for such a boy is to preserve both their lives so they may both be bound in sexual slavery to their son. Just as most heterosexual women, upon discovering a homosexual man immediately set upon him in an attempt to "convert" him to heterosexuality, the analogous impulses heterosexual men feel for lesbians is no less fierce. Imagine, then, the experience of a young man being reared by and in the constant presence of two lesbians, two tempting objects of sexual conversion. Where would room remain for sexual thoughts of men? It is an undisputed fact that the incongruous presence of lesbian sex in heterosexual pornography stems from a conscious effort by directors to distract male viewers (by providing respite from) the undue homosexual influence of throbbing turgid cocks and gushing torrents of salty steaming semenal ejaculations. Is it any wonder that so many boys, who inevitable stumble across their heterosexual parents copulating, struck by their fathers' masculinity, spend the rest of their lives haunted by that incident, vicariously reliving it through homosexual trysts with other men? For a boy raised by lesbian parents, the opportunity arises, since at most, his sexual desire for women will only be further inflamed by such an incident, and at worst, he will spend the rest of his life seeking sexual encounters with two women simultaneously, which will place him in the company of only absolutely every other heterosexual man on this green earth.
Only by eliminating all heterosexual parental couples can we hope to spare boys (and ultimately men) from the scourge of homosexuality. Though it may prove difficult to wean women off their accustomed heterosexual indulgences, women are by their nature reasonable (and sexually curious) creatures who, when provided with all the pertinent facts, must consequently agree of the wisdom of this approach. Anything else would be a pronouncement of eternal homosexuality for all mankind.
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